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About Mother Goose Christian School



Mother Goose, established in 1981, is licensed by this state’s Department of Health and complies with all of the standards put forth by that Department. Mother Goose’s operation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and a paid Director. Mother Goose is accredited through the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools. Classes are taught by well trained and experienced teachers. Our staff is required to attend regularly scheduled early childhood training sessions.


Mother Goose, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation. An annual meeting is held in August of each year, at which time new members are appointed to the Board of Directors from the corporate membership.

Affirmative Action Statement

Mother Goose advertises in the public media in order to make openings known to all. Children are admitted regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or religion.

Teacher - Child Ratio

The ratio of a teacher to children present at all times shall be as follows:

Age of children - Number of Children to teacher

  • Less than 1 year - 4
  • 1 year - 7
  • 2 years - 10
  • 3 years - 12
  • 4 years - 12
  • 5 to 9 years - 10
  • 10 to 12 years - 12

Open Door

Any parent has the right to inspect the school at any time. We have observations windows in all of our rooms so that a parent may see the classroom without the child or teacher knowing they are watching. Parents may also go right into the room to be with their child at any time. We encourage parents to visit. Please stop by the office for an office pass.


Information relating to your child is confidential and will not be released unless written authorization provided by a parent of legal guardian. An exception will be mad in the even of suspected child abuse. Any such suspicion will be reported to the Director for immediate investigation and action with the appropriate authorities.

Biting Policy

Why children bite? Some one-year olds develop a regular habit of biting their peers. Watching these children at this age and stage, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that their attacks are designed to get attention. Those who bite most often seem to be the children they like most. Naturally, this method of initiating play is unacceptable, and it can be very embarrassing for the parents of the biters. Nevertheless, such behavior is not unusual among one-year olds.

Biting is often resorted to in moments of extreme frustration, when a child is tired, or hungry. They do not yet have the vocabulary to express these feelings.

What will be done by the care giver when a child bites? First aid will be administered to the child that is bitten. Your signature on the application gives the center permission to administer first aid which includes cleaning the bite with soap and water and applying antibiotic ointment.

Communication to parents - parents will be notified with a phone call or a note left in your child's cubby when your child is bitten or if your child is the biter. An incident report will be filled out on each child. The original report will be kept in each child's file. Each parent will be given a copy of the incident.

Techniques used to prevent biting - When a child bites, the caregiver will react disapprovingly toward the act, not the child. The caregiver might say, "biting hurts very much," or "biting is not nice."

During the time when the care giver will be diapering and cannot intervene, a child that bites often will be placed in a toddler's table or will sit next to the teacher until the caregiver is able to be in a mobile position again. This protects the other children, but does not punish the child. For an older child who bites when the caregiver is not in the position to intervene, the child will be a "shadow" (standing or sitting near the caregiver) until she is in a mobile position again.

What will be done concerning biting? Biting is an emotional issue with caregivers and parents. We all need each others support and assurance that this stage in your child's life will pass. Looking for a quick solution, parents sometimes choose to retaliate in kind, bite for a bite. I know that you want your child to realize that biting hurts. Biting a child back is not an appropriate option.

Each case is different, but there may be a time when the director must decide that a biting child cannot remain in the center, or should be taken out temporarily. In addition, a biting child causes so much stress among the caregiver and parents and fear among the children, that a temporal removal is necessary.


Acceptable behavior is encouraged by giving positive verbal rewards. This reinforces a child's good feeling about his/her behavior and serves as an example to the children to act in such a way as to receive this praise. Asking a child to stop and think about his/her unpleasant behavior enables that child to work at self-control.

For a child no cooperating in a group listening situation, the child is seated by the teacher and reminded of acceptable behavior.

Removal from the group for a period of time-out is the next tactic used for a child who continually demonstrates unacceptable behavior. This time-out is not a punishment, but rather a time when the child may calm down, remember what behavior the teacher is asking for, and decide for him or herself when he/she is ready to rejoin the group with appropriate behavior.

Corporal punishment is not considered to be an accepted method of dealing with young children's behavior.

If behavior problems persist, the parent is asked to a conference to discuss what may be helpful in motivating the child to behave in an acceptable way. It may be suggested that the child be involved in a behavior modification program, with the parent having the option of being involved in the process as well.

Confidentiality of Records

Children's records are open only to the child's teacher, the Director, an authorized employee of the licensing agency, or the child's parent or legal guardian.

Dress Code

Children one (1) year old are encouraged to wear play clothes and tennis shoes. Daily activities include active and messy play, and the children should feel comfortable enough to enjoy themselves without worrying about their clothes. The child's name should be placed on all clothing and other belongings to help ensure the return of all possessions and clothes. Special school logo t-shirts are available for parents to purchase for their child.

Children two (2) and up should wear school's uniforms on Monday through Friday. If a child should come to school on Monday through Friday out of uniform, the parent will be called to come pick up the child. The child may return to school after he or she has been dressed in the school's uniform. Uniforms are not required at the Pearl/Brandon locations.

Smoking tobacco products and other substances

Mother Goose is a smoke-free environment. The use of tobacco products, drugs, and other substances are prohibited in this facility or on the grounds. Any sign of drugs will be dealt with immediately. '

Promotion or Transfer of Children

Our children are transferred by age when space becomes available. The parent is informed in advance before the child is to be transferred to another group. Parents can always feel assured that activities in each group are always age appropriate. Each child is allowed to work at his/her ability level; meaning that extra work is assigned for advanced children.

Removal from the school

Each child must follow the rules and regulations of the center. Even the parents must follow the rules and regulations of the school. The staff will work with each child as much as possible. At the same time, we must protect other children. If the child presents a threat to the safety of the other children, he/she will be dismissed from the center.


Our children are safely guarded by our trained staff. Children are in the care of an adult at all times, not being left alone for an instant. The entrances to all buildings are kept locked. Parents must push a buzzer or knock to enter. Safety is first at Mother Goose!


Mother Goose carries insurance for each child enrolled in the center. This insurance covers any accident which occurs while the child is in the care of Mother Goose. There is no deduction fee for the parent to pay.

Lost Items

Parents are strongly encouraged to label all items belonging to their children. In the event that the items are lost or misplaced, the label can help the staff to return the items to the correct children.