About Mother Goose Christian School
Staff member remain calm and reassure the children. The person noting the fire sounds the alarm and calls the fire department. Staff members escort the children outside the building using our plans for evacuation. The infants are placed in a single crib and wheeled outdoors. The administrators check classrooms, bathrooms, the kitchen, playground, and all other areas. Plans for evacuations are posted in each room.
Weather Alert
The school uses the media to gather information on the weather. The staff members remain calm and reassure the children. Children are escorted to the hallway free from flying window glass. Staff may bring books or manipulative games for the children to the hallway.
First aid boxes are kept in the office of the director. All staff members have first aid and CPR training. In a serious emergency, the child will be transported to the hospital. The parent will be notified as well and requested to meet the school's personnel at the hospital. Complete files and injury report forms are taken. This contains a summary of the child's medical history, as well as a medical emergency permission form. Any incident or accident that occurs at the school will be reported to the parent in written form.